Branded docustyle content for tech startup, Tally

July 2024
Main service
Production & Post

Building a brand foundation through video

Our friends at tech startup Tally knew they wanted two things going into this foundational brand video: they wanted to present their unique "why" and do it in a way that was differentiated. With the partnership of the Tally team, we were able to produce a highly engaging and unique set of video assets that the Tally team distributed across social channels.

Client background

Tally is a well-known tech startup within the crypto industry. Their tools give developers and users the power and ability to govern and manage the crypto-based products and software they use.

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Magic from start to finish

Aligning on audience

Dual Native partnered with the marketing and business development leaders of Tally to first align on goals of the video asset. We asked questions such as, "Who is this for?" and "What are the goals of this video?"

An "about us" video can be tailored to many different audiences. Honing in on a specific audience is important

Pretty quickly we determined this foundational video should: 1) inspire established crypto teams to work with Tally in the future, by giving them context on who Tally is and what motivates them and 2) provide newer crypto companies and startups with a set of values to potentially live by

Once this was established, we began putting together a high-level storyboard for the video, shot listing, figuring out locations, logistics and scheduling.

Out and about in NYC

All of the filming for this video occurred throughout New York City, the home base for the Tally founders.

The Tally team wanted the video to have an organic, natural and documentary feel to it - so we chose to film b-roll in a variety of locations through NYC that matched this, including Prospect Park, Roberta's Pizza, and a local WeWork that the team often works out of. In an efficient 2.5 days, we filmed all of our interviews and necessary b-roll.

Creative liberties

During pre-production, Dual Native knew that the Tally team wanted to produce a longer video (8-10 minutes), which is not a problem to achieve, but takes much thought and consideration.

For any video longer than three minutes, you need to ensure there is a rhythm and flow, giving your audience enough along the way so they know it's worth sticking around

With the trust of Tally, Dual Native took creative liberties to make sure there was the proper emphasis on the problems that Tally solves, in addition to their unique values, perspectives and solutions.Through intentional pacing, engaging cuts, and selective music and sound we made for an engaging video from beginning to end.

Pivoting in post for distribution

By the end of our first rough cut, the run time for the video was a little longer eight minutes. Given that their channels for distribution were primarily through social channels (e.g.,, we saw this as an issue. In partnership with Tally, we decided to turn this one video into four different episodes, each trickling out onto social channels over the course of two weeks.

Not only does this cater to the video format that audiences expect on social, but it allows for repeated and prolonged engagement out of a set of video assets - giving more exposure to more viewers.

How you present your perspective matters

Overall the "Why Tally" campaign video was a great success, with the first episode reaching ~20k impressions and compliments from their core audience.

This goes to show that having a unique perspective is important, but so is the way in which your perspective presents itself.

Luckily for us at Dual Native, we get to work with clients that care about both.